Buffalo Bills vs. San Francisco 49ers — November 30, 2008 at 1:00PM

6-5. Still in the hunt?

The Tailgate will begin at around 9:15AM in Buffalo Bills Parking Lot #1, on the Field House side of the stadium. The entrance to the parking lot is off of Rte. 20A (Big Tree Road). We will park within about 30 feet of Light Pole #6 in that parking lot. See the map below. Call me at 585-330-2218 if you get lost.

Postgame Update:

The Bills Suck. The coaches suck. A lot of the players suck. J.P. Losman sucks (but didn't really have too much to do with the loss, I just don't like him). It rained most of the game, fitting given the Bills' effort on the field.

The tailgate was laid back (about 20 guests) but still a lot of fun. Plenty of hot food in the cold weather. The rain held off until after the tailgate. Most notably, we had some new faces at this week's tailgate -- always a good thing.

Tailgate 6 Photos

Tailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate PhotoTailgate Photo