Buffalo Bills vs. Seattle Seahawks — September 7, 2008 at 1PM

We'll celebrate opening day of the 2008-2009 football season in style with a combination of food favorites from last season along with some tasty newcomers. Get psyched to kick off a great year of tailgating.

The Tailgate will begin at around 9:15AM in Buffalo Bills Parking Lot #1, on the Field House side of the stadium. The entrance to the parking lot is off of Rte. 20A (Big Tree Road). We will park within about 30 feet of Light Pole #6 in that parking lot. See the map below. Call me at 585-330-2218 if you get lost.

NOTE: There has been road construction on Southwestern Blvd. near the 219, so look out for traffic delays!

Postgame Update:

Well, this game ranks up there as one of the best opening days ever! The tailgate was awesome (as usual). We showed up just after 9AM and lot 1 was a third full! Heavy traffic had people trickling in for a couple hours, but the tailgate finally warmed up. The game, well that's one for the memory books. A Bills 34-10 victory in changeable weather highlighted a great day!

The Helmet Cam experiment -- well what can I say about it? Wearing 7 pounds on my head for 3 hours definitely took its toll. When I was right next to people it was tough getting the camera to point down at them. If you look at the horizon, you'll see that my head was twisted at some crazy angle for most of the morning. But it worked, and the resulting movie, despite having a disjointed point of view, surely tells the tale of what I'm looking at approximately every 7 seconds during our tailgate. Suffice it to say that if it's edible or wearing a skirt, I'm looking at it -- and during all those moments in between I even pay attention to a tailgate full of great friends. (A special thanks to Steve at Home Depot for going above and beyond to help me build the helmet cam).

Elizabeth Pugliese Cell Phone Videos -- These videos were taken from the Arazy seats near the tunnel endzone.

Helmet Cam Still Photos -- Here are some of the individual frames taken with Helmet Cam.

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Guest Photographer Elizabeth Pugliese Photos

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