Buffalo Bills vs. New England Patriots — December 28, 2008 at 1:00PM

Mercifully the last game of the season? It's been a tough couple of months for Bills fans. But our core group of tailgaters will endure erratic play and brutal weather to enjoy one last Sunday party.

The Tailgate will begin at around 9:15AM in Buffalo Bills Parking Lot #1, on the Field House side of the stadium. The entrance to the parking lot is off of Rte. 20A (Big Tree Road). We will park within about 30 feet of Light Pole #6 in that parking lot. See the map below. Call me at 585-330-2218 if you get lost.

Postgame Update:

The outcome of the game was as most expected -- an 11th straight loss to the Patriots and an 0-6 record in our division this season. What wasn't expected was the weather. Wow! Wind gusts to 70mph, portajohns flying, rooves being torn off, and even the goalposts listing during the game. Just when we think we've seen it all, something else gets thrown at us.

This season's tailgates have been incredible! Thanks to Marc for doing most of the cooking, and to all the others who brought some of the meals from week to week. Thanks to those who brought drinks and those who made jello shots. But mostly thanks to everyone who came and partied with us every week! We've got about 8 months to figure out how to take it up a notch -- and we certainly will!
Tailgate 7 Photos

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