Buffalo Bills vs. Miami Dolphins — November 29, 2009 at 1PM


Important: I need your photos. PLEASE PLEASE send me your photos of the tailgate. Here's how to do it. Put all of your photos in one folder. Then ZIP your folder (if you don't know how, send me an email at andy@andyinthailand.com). Upload your zipped file to: http://dropbox.yousendit.com/macnmotion

If I get your photos, I will put them on the website. Make sure on the upload screen to put your name in the Message field. So use your camera, your phone, your instamatic. Just get me the photos!!!!! If you have any further questions, please contact Marc and he will pass along the question to me.

Go Bills! Have a blast at the tailgate.

The Tailgate will begin at around 9:15AM in Buffalo Bills Parking Lot #1, on the Field House side of the stadium. The entrance to the parking lot is off of Rte. 20A (Big Tree Road). We will park within about 30 feet of Light Pole #6 in that parking lot. See the map below. Call Marc at 585-797-8923 if you get lost.


Tailgate 5 Photos

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